September 26, 2010

Perspectives on Malaysia-Indonesia Ongoing Confrontations.

The ongoing disputes between Malaysia and Indonesia, is nothing less as a result of our own ignorances, our own disgraces towards our fellow humanity.

Instead of discussing the oppressive situation of the peoples, both nation, with the heavy nationalistic point of view, falls into the trap of unnecessary arguments instead of addressing the deteriorating situations term received by fellow human.

It is a pure shame, for both nation, to divert the majority oppressed people with the issues of country's sovereignty within the nationalistic scopes,when the actual beneficiaries are the people on top of the hierarchy,the government with the policies, comfortably continue to manipulate people, with the Indonesian government, continue to send their citizen, without any proper protection in term of humanitarian perspectives, and the Malaysian government, without any measures to curb the inhumane treatment received by the workers.

It is time, for us to understand the systems, to show solidarity beyond boundaries of the nations borders, it is not for the nations, but the survivals of us,the human with dignity.

  • This is an article without proper research, but it is the idea of the people that I am trying to projected, and share it with us,fellow human.


  1. but we are trying so hard (too hard - from my point of view) to please them. Yet, they are never satisfied. Always jealous of us.

  2. "when the actual beneficiaries are the people on top of the hierarchy,the government with the policies, comfortably continue to manipulate people"

    betul! yang kaya tetap kaya
    yang kaya takkan jadi majerin atau butter!
    mereka tetap kaya!!! F!
