November 20, 2009

Achieving Malaysian Media Solidarity

The Malaysian media of today should understand what they are capable of doing in term of infiltration and influencing the Rakyat of Malaysia. The doctrination, the propaganda that we, the society, are facing today, cannot be tolerated anymore. It is time, for the Malaysian media to practise responsible journalism to ensure defamations, hatreds and malicious intentions of our country’s society to be at its end.
The main ideas of the solidarity that the media can achieve are such as:
1. By practising the most democratic manner in journalism accordance to the Constitution of our country.

2. Means of circulating the message in the most professional ethics and disciplines of journalism.

3. By understanding the needs of the information for the actual truth.

4. As an effective tools in reflecting the social states of our country.

5. Serve as an intellectual means in propagating the minds of the society.

6. To uphold the needs in addressing the importance issues of the country.
7. To ensure the availability of the information to reach out to the target groups.

8. By denying any oppressive forces of authorities factors in ensuring the credibility and integrity of information institutions.

9. To serve as a mediums of discussions, interactions and communications within the diverse social strand of our country.

10. By abiding and understanding the responsibilities in pushing the maturity of the society.

For me, it is an honour if all the media mediums in our country can achieve the main solidarity among them, in creating and focusing to the reflections of our country’s state of social milieu as a medium in circulating the message of the majority masses to the minority authorities of our country

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